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Nightingale Alley is a musical performance based largely on the lyrics of anonymous 19th century underground poets and minstrels - not the poetry of the refined and delicate, but the slashing and humorous words from the streets and alleys, distant echoes found in subversive broadsheets and pamphlets hawked in every London market place.

These lyrics are over 200 hundred years old, at the dawn of capitalism, yet they speak with a curiously modern voice and from a disarmingly compassionate female perspective. They stare deep into the erotic. They evoke the pleasures and delight of human sexual appetite, but also its perils. The songs gaze - eyes wide open - on the clash of social values, of heartache and despair, and the darker, more disquieting aspects of an emerging and rather brutal sexual economy


conceived and composed by 

David Rhymer

Composed by David Rhymer   Directed by Blake Brooker


Denise Clarke, Andy Curtis, Grace Fedorchuk, Jamie Konchak, and Allison Lynch. 

With musical arrangments by David Rhymer and Jonathan Lewis.

London Wenches

A Child of a Complying Mind

He Pushed Me I Tumbled

Weep for the Weary Heart

The Citadel

Gigga Gigga Jang Jang

The Thing That's in His Britches

My Thing

I Cannot Tell What to Do

Ring a Dang Do

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